Access to let-bound variable in temporal dead zone.Of course, if this is being displayed on a web page, then you could change the declared charset of the page to be Windows-1252, but that might interfere with other characters on the page if there are UTF-8 characters already there. What all of this means is: your Python code needs to either set the client-encoding for the SQL Server connection to Code 2, or you need to change / convert the encoding of the returned string from Code 2 to UTF-8. That character, in UTF-8, is a 3 byte sequence: E2 80 9A. And checking that chart (scroll down to the bottom chart as it has the character names) value 0x82 (look for "82" in the "Code Point" column) is in fact the Single Low-9 Quotation Mark that you see in SSMS. Please see the following UTF-8 table which shows that there is no character for a single-byte of 0x82:Īs stated by the O.P., the Collation of the column in question is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, which means that the 8-bit encoding is using Code 2, which is Windows Latin 1 (ANSI). There is no UTF-8 "character" having a value of 0x82, which is why you get the "unknown" / replacement symbol of "�". The problem here is that your code is mistranslating that 0x82 character, thinking that it's UTF-8, but it's not. You get either UTF-16 Little Endian (LE) via NVARCHAR (including NCHAR and NTEXT, but don't ever use NTEXT) and XML, or some 8-bit encoding, based on a Code Page, via VARCHAR (including CHAR and TEXT, but don't ever use TEXT). SQL Server does not store UTF-8 under any circumstances. Using sp_help N'table_name' I found that the Collation of this VARCHAR column is: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

Is there a way in SSMS to view the encoding of the varchar? For instance see \x82 instead of displaying the comma as it is currently from SSMS?.Can someone please let me know the following: I'm not very familiar with encoding in SQL Server. My theory is that the varchar in SQL Server is accepting UTF-8 characters which are displaying differently in python than SSMS. I've researched this from the Python side, and nothing strange is going on. However, when it's brought into python, it appears as: We recently had an issue with encoding related to a field that's being stored as a varchar(120) in SQL Server.