Pembahasan simak ui 2018
Pembahasan simak ui 2018

pembahasan simak ui 2018 pembahasan simak ui 2018

Paradoxical (active) sleep is marked by irregular breathing and heart rate, increased blood supply to the brain, and increased brain temperature.

pembahasan simak ui 2018

This is called paradoxical sleep because it has much in common with being awake. After about an hour in this state, however, the brain waves begin to show a more active pattern again, even though the person is apparently asleep very deeply. Its blood supply is reduced, and its temperature falls slightly. In this state the brain is apparently resting. As a person falls asleep, his brain waves develop a slower and less regular pattern in a waking state. In point of fact, we spend the night alternating between two different types of sleep, each with different brain mechanism and different purposes. Text II In studying the phenomenon usually referred to as sleep, we are actually dealing with more than one phenomenon. (E) As a result, automation may increase the rate of unemployment. (D) To conclude, industrialists can better share their profit with employees. (C) Therefore, there is an increase in employees’ standard of living. (B) In short, many employees have the opportunity to get new jobs. Which of the following sentences is the best concluding sentence for the text? (A) Thus, industrialization can boost Third World countries’ economic growth. (A) rapid economic growth in developing countries (B) the importance of automation for Third World countries (C) the advantage and disadvantage of industrialization (D) the advantage of automation for leaders of industries (E) automation which is the best way to get maximum profit 42. The main information of the text tells us about _. Gunakan Petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 41 sampai nomor 60 41. Whenever they can, they take advantage of automation, which means that workers are replaced by a more efficient machine. The leaders of an industry want their factories to be as productive as possible, and they will do anything to achieve that goal. Unfortunately, many of these new jobs are not permanent. When this industrialization occurs, many new factories open, and workers get jobs. Inggris Tanggal : 01 Maret 2009 Kode Soal : 911 BACAAN Text I Third World countries often mistakenly decide to permit rapid industrialization.

pembahasan simak ui 2018


Pembahasan simak ui 2018